91游戏 · 文字




A different and dynamic word game with a touch of physics. Build words by touching letters at zero gravity under external forces. Are you fast enough? Valid words will add to your score, whilst wrong ones will get you punished... Don't let the letters fill up tour screen or let the time run out.

You can choose between the English and Spanish dictionaries.

Play individual games and head-to-head online battles, with the following play modes:

✔ Single match: Your challenge is to reach the last level in a single match. You will only win if you pass the last level, with a fresh start over if you don't. The farther you get, the higher your score. While passing intermediate levels, you will accumulate time and increase the score of your words.

✔ Single level: If you have little time and want to play a quick game, you can play a single level at a time. Each level has its minimum score to unlock, and you can always improve your best time at each level you have previously unlocked.

✔ Online real-time multiplayer: Play online with your friends or random Game Center players. Battles have a fixed duration and both players share the same configuration. By building words you not only score points, but also build attacks that you can launch against your opponent, hindering his progress in the game. This mode is truly something different and worth trying!

Play your favorite music while playing the game. Just start your playlist from the Music app and run the game!

Wordphy is Game Center enabled, with 24 leaderboards and 63 achievements.

And if you wish, you can share your results directly to your Facebook or Twitter accounts, quickly and easily.




