91游戏 · 扑克

Which? a game of choices

Which? a game of choices1.1


(Free for the first 2000 downloads)

Which? is a choices-based conversation game for road trips, holiday houses, campfires, dinner tables, etc. There are 1,240 questions so the questions are unlikely to repeat.

One player, the decider, must choose between two options, then the other players try to guess the decider's choice, giving reasons for their guesses.

Eg. If you decide you'd rather be a viking than a samurai, but all your friends think you'd make a better samurai, and have told you why they think that, then that's pretty interesting feedback.

By the end of the game, players will all know each other better, because each time you make a choice between two trivial options, you reveal a part of your personality.

So Which? is a game of empathy, because to earn points players must step into the minds of the other players.

It can be played between friends or family, or used for team-building, workplace harmony, improving peer relations in classrooms, or as a tool for social workers. It's best of all though on long road trips or waiting in a queue.


1. Player 1 (the DECIDER) reads the first question and secretly chooses either the pink or green option. That choice is locked in.

2. The other players then try to guess which colour Player 1 chose. After locking in their guess, they must give a reason.

3. Everyone who guessed Player 1 right gets one point.

4. Then it’s Player 2’s turn to be the DECIDER.

5. The first player to 10 points wins.




