91游戏 · 导航




若你的生活總離不開地鐵,POKEGUIDE便是你必備手機的應用程式。POKEGUIDE app 不但提供最快捷直達地鐵出口的方法,還提供超過一千個飲食消閒好去處的優惠。


在全世界都是人山人海的地鐵裡,大家有沒有試過因為自己在車頭,但是目的地在車尾,又或者因為太多人迫在同一條扶手電梯,而被迫迫了十幾分鐘才到達出口? 例如當你身處於尖沙咀站車頭,但目的地卻是金馬倫道B出口;又例如當你身處於銅鑼灣車尾,但目的地卻是時代廣場A出口,因為意外地遲十幾分鐘,而得失自己的嬌妻/女朋友,實在不值。歸根究底,就是因為大家不知道應該預先站在那一道車門,對應全香港80幾個站不同的出口。



As an all-in-one destination guide serving Hong Kong people to ultimate efficiency, POKEGUIDE app tells you the best car door to board the train, so that you can go straight to the escalator and reach the destination. We also recommend over 1000 leisure activities, appealing cuisine, shop discounts and benefits nearby your destination, so that you can now save most of your time from not just travelling, but also sorting out the best plans and deals of your day in POKEGUIDE! POKEGUIDE is an essential mobile application that all MTR passengers should keep on your phone.

Become the most convenient platform for Hong Kong MTR passengers to find the car door that is the nearest to the escalator and lift to towards their exits.

In the extremely crowded metro car, have you ever tried of wasting 10+ mins stuck in the queue from leaving the car to the station lobby? Have you tried staying at the last car of the metro, but you are exiting to The One at Tsim Sha Tsui. or you are staying at the first tip of the metro, but you want to go to TimesSquare… It’d be a shame if you miss your darling because of wasting 10+ mins for such stupid reason. You waste such time just only because you don’t know where you should stand at the car door for numerous exits in 80+ MTR stations in Hong Kong.

POKEGUIDE is here to provide the quickest way to the exit of each station in order to boost the efficiency of Hong Kongers!

Let’s imagine, when all people use POKEGUIDE immediately after stepping into the MTR, this can optimize the exact location passengers should stand for their exits and won’t waste time anymore when all people stand at the right place and queue for the least. By resolving this problem, we are helping all passengers in major metro systems in the world!

版本 0.0.4 中的新功能







