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30hands Starter: Create & Show What You Know

30hands Starter: Create & Show What You Know2.0.3


** Please consider upgrading to Pro to support better hands-on learning & PBL. You get more features & richer functionality with the same simplicity. Thanks! **

30hands Storyteller is the easiest way to tell a story, explain a concept or flip a classroom. Create a multimedia presentation in minutes and publish it as a video to share. We designed the tool to be simple and fast, so it takes backseat to learning and expression. In a single class period, students can complete a video activity. Mapping these activities to a longer project helps students make PBL projects authentic and fun.

Whether you are in Kindergarten or College, 30hands Storyteller helps you learn better by following UDL principles and getting you to think and create iteratively.

Why upgrade to Pro?

- Short Video Clips can be used as slides

- Enhanced Drawing

- Share-a-Slide for easier collaboration and communication with parents

- Stop Motion videos can be created to demonstrate motion and processes

- Integrated with Google Drive for adding images/vid clips, publishing final videos, sharing work-in-process (via Export)

- Easier Google Classroom assignment hand-ins

- Integrated with Dropbox for adding images/vid clips, publishing final videos, sharing work-in-process (via Export)

- Bring all slides into 30hands in 1 step then narrate + annotate to create a flipped video or project video

- Output for flipped videos can be published at High Res for easier reading

Different from other presentation apps, 30hands Mobile focuses on the power of storytelling and ITERATIVE CREATIVITY(TM). Drag photos, images or video clips around the desktop into the order of the story. Next, record audio over each image. Easy editing allows students to take learning to a higher level and creates a better final video whether created by student or teacher. Finally, the presentation can be published to the Camera Roll or uploaded to a 30hands Cloud collaborative learning site.

Registration in the mobile app provides login credentials for the 30hands Cloud Community site at http://K12.30hands.com.

5 Easy Steps:

1. Add images, take photos, draw slides

2. Arrange them by dragging them

3. Record audio for each slide

4. Preview your creation

5. Publish as a video to the Camera Roll, Dropbox, Google, 30hands

30hands Learning develops technology & services geared at getting students to THINK and CREATE.

版本 2.0.3 中的新功能

Fixed "Add Slides From Web"

* Google pulled their free search for apps, so we replaced it with Pixabay

* Pixabay is awesome!

* Starter searches return up to 12 images. Pro searches return up to 60 images.

Fixed a view display issue on the Dropbox and Settings pages




