With our partner MeteoNews, we want to meet the demand of a large number of our loyal users by expanding our application to the world.
Our primary mission remains to provide you with the most accurate and relevant weather information for your city or for your favorite destinations!
Feel free to share this new version with your friends, for example on social networks!
Every day you can quickly and easily find a 10 day weather forecast for the world supervised 24/24 by MeteoNews and updated in real time!
- Weather forecast for the morning / afternoon / evening
- Rainfall radar images
- Value of forecast reliability
- Probability of sunshine and precipitations
- Perceived temperature
- Average, mimimum and maximum temparature
- Wind force, wind direction, gust force
- Limit of snowfall
- Limit zero degrees
- Fog
Exposure for 10 days in landscape mode.
Content delivered by MeteoNews
- Now the Flash TV movies and radars are in HD when on Wifi
- Display of snow limit
- News details layout, cleaner
- Improved performances
- Other bugfixes
天气 | 11.00MB
v1.8 | 2016-01-06
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v1.8 | 2016-01-06
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v1.8 | 2016-01-06
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v1.8 | 2015-07-23
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v1.8 | 2016-01-11
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v1.8 | 2015-03-23
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v1.8 | 2015-03-23
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v1.8 | 2015-03-24
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v1.8 | 2015-04-07
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v1.8 | 2015-04-07
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v1.8 | 2015-03-30
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v1.8 | 2015-04-08
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v1.8 | 2015-04-10
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v1.8 | 2015-03-31
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v1.8 | 2015-03-31
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v1.8 | 2015-04-14
下载天气 | 13.00MB
v1.8 | 2015-04-14
下载天气 | 89.00MB
v1.8 | 2016-01-07
下载天气 | 1.00MB
v1.8 | 2015-03-30
下载天气 | 30.00MB
v1.8 | 2015-04-15
下载天气 | 81.00MB
v1.8 | 2015-04-17
下载天气 | 11.00MB
v1.8 | 2015-04-17
下载天气 | 44.00MB
v1.8 | 2015-04-17
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v1.8 | 2015-03-31
下载天气 | 16.00MB
v1.8 | 2015-03-31
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v1.8 | 2015-04-19
下载天气 | 38.00MB
v1.8 | 2015-03-31
下载天气 | 93.00MB
v1.8 | 2015-03-31
下载天气 | 31.00MB
v1.8 | 2015-04-22
下载天气 | 22.00MB
v1.8 | 2015-04-22