91游戏 · 休闲益智




拉齐奥之旅游戏下载,《拉齐奥之旅(Wheels of Aurelia)》是由Santa Ragione公司推出的一款意大利海岸风旅行游戏。主人公Lella将穿过意大利的磨砂西海岸进行沉浸式的旅途,喜欢旅行的玩家赶紧下载吧!



游戏中,玩家将遇到不可预测的人物和事件,这时需要绕行。穿过着名的“Via Aurelia”,在意向发型的游戏中发现意大利的新一边,而不是目的地。游戏总共有16种不同的结局,你在游戏中的每个决定都会有不同的结局。

Embark on an immersive road trip through the gritty western coast of Italy during the roaring 1970’s. Playing as Lella, a bold, spunky woman, experience the sights and sounds of a tumultuous time in Italy’s history while uncovering events from Lella’s storied past. Take the road less traveled, while meeting an unpredictable cast of dynamic characters along your journey and making detours along the way.

An interactive visual novel based on short moments in time during Lella’s travels, each playthrough ends with one of sixteen different endings based on your choices. Travel across the famous “Via Aurelia” and discover a new side of Italy in a thought-provoking game about the road trip, not the destination.

- Uncover Lella’s fierce personality and mysterious past while choosing each line of her dialogue in the game

- A compact game experience with sixteen different endings, each with its own epilogue

- All original Italian soundtrack provides emotional ambience to accompany the game’s narrative

- Original art by renowned illustrators, handcrafted to bring Italy to life in new and unexpected ways

- Rooted in researched and culturally accurate events during the 1970’s including kidnappings and extreme political turmoil

- Wheelspedia: in-game easy access wiki that explains cultural and political references for those seeking additional information

- Independent Games Festival Honorable Mention, IndieCade Nominee, Fantastic Arcade Game Spotlight


